Big Ideas Don’t Spend Your Willpower, Invest It Think Very Long Term Absolutely never skip twice Take pride in the process, not in the result Start easy and Often Big Idea 1 Don’t Spend Your Willpower, Invest It The glorious benefit of a habit is that ...
Secrets of the Millionaire Mind book review
T. Harv Eker, After so many business failures. He prays to God that if he ever becomes a millionaire. He would teach what he learn. He went from zero to millionaire in 2 1/2 years. In his great book, Secrets of the Millionaire Mind, he helps us understand why we are getting the result we are ...
The School Of Greatness By Lewis Howes
Big Ideas Create A Vision Cultivate A Champion's Mindset Develop Hustle Master Your Body Practice Positive Habits Create A Vision We focused first on creating a vision because it’s the most important step to getting anywhere and achieving anything you want in any area of ...